About Me

My blog has been held up by my inability to write an “about” page. To stop this ridiculousness, I’m giving myself 5 minutes to tell you all you need to know. Here goes:

  • I would love to be tasked with naming everyone’s babies.
  • I’ve lived in 7 states.
  • If someone said I could never have spicy food again, I’d want to swan dive into an industrial-sized shredder.
  • I try to never say “never” because one too many times, God has replied, “Oh really, Big Shot?” (this will provide some proof)
  • I like team sports.
  • I’m afraid if I ever run open-armed towards a loved one in a field of flowers, one of us will chip a tooth or take a header to the nose.
  • I’m obsessed with cinnamon gum and cherry chapstick.
  • When I see a piece of paper where I’ve worked out some math, I really can’t stand myself if it’s something like 12+18.
  • I find myself attaching human emotions to inanimate objects and thinking they might have feelings. (no really, I’ve talked to fruit more than once)
  • When I’m driving and make someone mad and they race up beside me, I’ll purposefully chomp my gum to demonstrate how little I care.
  • I feel swindled and hoodwinked when I prepare to take a parking spot, only to find there is a motorcycle there or it’s “take-out” only.
  • The perfect day would include loved ones, mexican food and seeing someone bounce off a sliding glass door.

My 5 minutes are up.

168 thoughts on “About Me

  1. love this! Can relate to many of these…someone bouncing off a sliding glass door?? Love it! “Oh really, Big Shot” made me lol :)) I give human characteristics to animals…just this weekend I asked Damon if deer we saw was a boy…because it had a man face…he just shakes his head. Looking forward to reading more on here Big Shot!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. I loved this! Makes me feel like inside my mind there are others like me….I talk to my I robot and tell him what a good job he’s done. And yes, he is male.

  3. Please, I need baby name help… let’s go. And I wonder what classification I fell under when I got “fielded” onto your tribe? ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Trying not to be redundant, yet being completely redundant, I too laughed out loud! Your wit definitely made a very dull day a tad brighter! ๐Ÿ™‚ I look forward to keeping up with your tribe.

  5. I’m so glad Jeni shared your blog on FB! You are, as you always were, hilarious! So add me to the list of people who were LOLing!

  6. Finally an About Me section that isn’t boring!

    I have always believed that inatimate objects have feelings. I feel bad for money that gets lost in my apartment because I have delayed it from going out and having more adventures. I get sad when I take a shirt off a hanger when it ha been hanging up for a long time because I think the hanger will miss it. I feel awful when I move out because I feel like I’m abandoning my walls.

      1. my hubby admitted that for years as a child he would hug the hot water bottle in bed long after it had gone cold, since he felt bad that after giving him all its heat he would simply discard it. awww.

  7. I laughed out loud a bunch of times here! I love the one about attaching human emotions to inanimate objects… I am currently talking to all of the pumpkins in my house very sweetly, easing them into the moment when they get replaced by Christmas stuff…
    Congrats on Freshly Pressed, by the way!

  8. Congrats on being Freshly Pressed! I’m happy to know someone else gives objects emotions, and I wonder if you also think you know what animals (especially dogs) are thinking…
    I will enjoy reading more of you ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. The best blog i’ve come across so far. Laughing and just absolutely loving it. With each sentence, my laughter got scarier, till I had to put up a serious face and pretend it’s not funny anyone. phew. you’re a riot.

    1. What a nice-awesome-lovely comment! Thank you so much and btw, I am totally making the bread from your post “The act of baking bread” this week. I won’t rest until my house smells like this baked bread. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. That is so, so nice! You just made me really happy — and the best part? I’m home for Christmas and my dad was standing here and when I read your comment to him he was BEAMING ๐Ÿ™‚ This is great – thank you for the smiles!!

  10. I am not ashamed of my crazy. I celebrate my crazy. We all should, right? And I love cinnamon and spicy food and prolly most of all-ginger anything. I wish you would have named me cos I never really liked my name.

  11. Hi there! In order to share the joy of being nominated myself, Iโ€™m nominating you for the Liebster Award, which is intended to recognize up-and-coming blogs, particularly those with less than 200 followers. Visit my blog for all the details, and congratulations!

    1. Yes! Just chomp like you’re the only one in the world. Really OWN it. ๐Ÿ™‚ (tossing your hair is fine, but chomping your gum kicks it up a notch)

      Sent from my iPad

    1. My pleasure – and than you for coming by! It is indeed Cinque Terre … swoon! I got to spend 2 weeks in Italy in September and have not stop wanting to go back. Have you been?

  12. you are funny! i love funny. thanks for “liking and following” my blog. i wouldn’t have known about your blog, otherwise. can i ask you how in the world you found me? i am only 76 days old, so new to the blogosphere. anyway, love your sensibility, and look forward to reading anna!

  13. Ha I so enjoyed reading this. And yes, motorcycles (or Mini Coopers) need to park with their bumpers parallel to everyone else’s! Such a jerk tease.

  14. thank you Anna for viewing my posts and deciding to follow “the crumbs”….who knows where they will lead. I certainly appreciate your spirit, optimism and sheer joy in living life–thank for for sharing your joy with someone like me

    1. Well my goodness, thank you! Your mom sure seems to think you’re A-OK, too … but I’ll be the judge of that.

      ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thank you so much for the comment and giving me another blog to look forward to!

  15. Anna, you and I are like soul sisters. I love when I read someone’s list and I agree with 99% of it. In addition, Lily of Canada (right above this comment) is my daughter. She is hysterical, if I do say so myself, irreverent and lacking a PC filter, you’ll enjoy her blog. Emily of “The Waiting,” right above Lily, is my total love. She rocks my blogging world. She is the most kind and thoughtful person, in addition to being an exceptional writer. So based on your list, and your incredibly good taste in other bloggers, it will be a JOY for me to follow you.
    Have a great day, Anna! I hope it is a day free of hidden motorcycles. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. So far so good on the heathens who trick me with their hogs. The day isn’t over, but I’m holding onto the promise of a fuss-free day.

      Well, YAY! … happy I’m onto some good bloggers! It’s always such a happy day when you uncover some winners. Hopefully you’ll enjoy being here, tooโ€”thanks so very much ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. This is a great blog! I”m going to enjoy this… Thanks for the follow on my end too. I am giggling right now at the last item on your list. What is it about someone colliding with a glass door that makes everyone just laugh out loud (in a good way of course)? So you know, I’ve done this. I’ve also been beaned by a giant sunflower in front of all the neighbors and my dog. My husband likes to say, “This is Betsy, she does her own stunts.” I’ll be back!

  17. Thank you for following my blog and I look forward to reading your future posts. I have to let you know though that I cringed reading your “I’m Judging you” post ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m not a native English speaker and I’m pretty sure I’ll be thinking of that article each time a write a new one ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. dear Anna Lea, I have nominated YOU for the SUNSHINE AWARD….please go to johannisthinking.com for instructions on the SUNSHINE AWARD! Thanks for the good rays!
    My 10 nominees are each important to me in their own unique way…

    * Anna Lea West https://annaleawest.com

    I present Anna Lea West with the Sunshine Award for her the humor she injects into her writing, while still making an authentic statement about life! Her writing makes me smile so much! And I love to smile! Thank YOU for your Sunshine, Anna Lea!

  19. Oh my gosh, so much in common!! like this:

    I try to never say โ€œneverโ€ because one too many times, God has replied, โ€œOh really, Big Shot?โ€
    (having kids is the best one yet for making a meal out of your “I shall Never pledges”!)

    and definitely this:

    When I see a piece of paper where Iโ€™ve worked out some math, I really canโ€™t stand myself if itโ€™s something like 12+18.
    (me too. sooo, embarrassing.)

    and but this…
    I feel swindled and hoodwinked when I prepare to take a parking spot, only to find there is a motorcycle there or itโ€™s โ€œtake-outโ€ only.
    (this is literally a daily occurrence in my life where I drop my kids off at school. I don’t know about you, but I squeeze myself into that goddanged park anyway, then climb out the window when I can’t open my door. No way a motorbike is stealing my park.

    1. Hi! Glad you liked this and could relate! I’m laughing because I got such a visual of you going ahead and parking and crawling out the window … AWESOME. I’m so doing it next time, too. Game plan=hatched ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Hi Anna Lea, I just stopped by to thank you for deciding to follow Wine and Cheese (Doodles) and stayed to read your most recent post, which was really enjoyable. I’ll be back to read more for sure. Thanks again!

  21. Attaching emotions and feelings to inanimate objects is an affliction I suffer from as well. That, and always hoping to see someone walk into a glass door. You know, aside from Justin Bieber… that’s getting a little old. Anyway, I love your blog and look forward to riding on your crazy train of thought. Cheers!

    1. Hey thanks!! I appreciate you being here! More rambling on attaching human emotions to inanimate objects is in the post titled I TALK TO FRUIT. You might enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚

      Happy weekend!

  22. Funny how, for most of us “Word Pressers”, the “About” page has been a tough challenge. Who could we possibly know better, than ourselves?

    Having said that, I thought your five minutes were well spent.
    I am rapidly becoming a big fan of your blog!
    It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Anna lea West! ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. I’m 100% with you on 1-5, then pick right back up with you for 7-12. We could be BFFs! Glad I stubbled across your blog. Enjoyed all three posts I got to before I stopped and said..I gotta read about who this is. Well done, from a girl in Texas. Blessings! Oh and you have a new follower. Yea, it was that easy for me to say, “Yes! I’m so glad she’s funny and I’d like to hear more.”

  24. “I find myself attaching human emotions to inanimate objects and thinking they might have feelings.”—So glad I’m not the only one!

    Thanks for dropping by my site. I appreciate it!

  25. I have experienced your perfect day. Twice to be exact. On one of those occasions my mother-in-law was about .001 lbs of pressure away from busting her nose on the sliding glass door. Oh it left a mark. Thankfully I had already eaten my mexican food. 5 minutes later I would have missed out due to an extended hour of gut wrenching laughter ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I swallowed a piece last week. I also get lazy/over-zealous with sunflower seeds sometimes and go from sucking on them to just full on chewing the whole batch and swallowing.

      Crapโ€”we’re weird. But hey … you’re here! Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. I was supposed to be studying for a final but I thought of taking a “break.” I found your blog and i’m preeeetty sure that i’ve been reading your posts for more time than I had actually intended. Too entertaining and I really like the attitude that shows through ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. Oh my God, Anna!! I enjoyed your random rambling! And I’m glad I stumbled across your blog! Your about me page is Epic, and I wish I could do something like that.. I just got started on blogging and I don’t know the head or tail of this thing! So hoping to become a Pro like you,

    Lots of Best Wishes and keep blogging!! ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Oh please, I’m just winging it! I’ve been blogging for a year and started out knowing next to nothing and now know only a few more things than that! But thank you so much! Good luck ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. Where are you my funny friend? I’ve missed your words or wisdom and humor!

    Hope all is well. Miss ya! Jana

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